Bridal Registration
Time is TBD
|Jasmine Rene Studio
Are you a bride to be, seeking the dress of you dreams? Have it custom made to your body with all the design details your heart desires! Register today to be on our bridal list! You also have the choice of creating custom bridesmaids dresses as well as bridal accessories designed especially for you.

Time is TBD
Jasmine Rene Studio , 3982 Mayfield Rd Cleveland Heights Ohio 44121
About The Event
Register today to be on our list of Custom Brides. Consult with the designer one on one, and have your dress sketched right in front of you , registration fees do not go toward your dress. Registration is $105 NON Refundable fee. Which included your $50 registration fee and your $55 consutlation fee. This fee does not go toward your dress. Bridal gowns must be registered 6 months in advance of your wedding date to allow time for production. Please be on time to your appointment . Call if you are running behind. if you are more than 15 minutes late you will need to reschedule. If you encounter registration issues please Call {216} 778-0067 to register over the phone. (dresses only)
Covid-19 Disclaimer: We are well aware that we may still be dealing with the pandemic into 2022-23. However pricing has not and will not change. Bridal contractual agreements are to be paid in full regardless of cancelled or unattended events.
Mask are required at each appointment.
Thank you.
Bridal Registration
Register today to be on our list of Custom Brides. Consult with the designer one on one, and have your dress sketched right in front of you , registration fees do not go toward your dress. Bridal gowns must be registered 6 months in advance of your wedding date to allow time for production. Please be on time to your appointment . Call if you are running behind. if you are more than 15 minutes late you will need to reschedule.